Friday, November 23, 2012

Cool Websites and Tools [November 22nd 2012]

Check out some of the latest MakeUseOf discoveries. Most of the listed websites are FREE or come with a decent free account option. If you want to have similar cool website round-ups delivered to your daily email, subscribe here.
My image PasswordLive – If you want to generate a secure password online, usually it has to be a combination of numbers, lowercase/uppercase letters and some special characters. This makes it hard for many to remember their own passwords. Enter PasswordLive. It is a handy web application that lets you generate unique and very strong passwords. Read more: PasswordLive: Generate Unique & Strong Passwords Without Having To Remember Them

My image  Eyeist – A web service that helps emerging photographers and even professional ones to have their work reviewed. The website basically connects professional photography reviewers and experts with photography enthusiasts or professionals who are looking for ways to improve and better their work. The website offers various types of reviews that you can pay for to be completed. Read more: Eyeist: Check Out Amazing Photos & Get Your Photos Reviewed By Professionals
My image Maily – Kids are a creative bunch. They just absorb things a lot differently. Sadly, if you introduce email to kids, they’d see how bland and ancient the interface looks that it limits their creativity. Maily is an e-mail client that hopes to change that by combining artsy tools paint, handwriting, and stamps to make a more compelling experience for kids. Read more: Maily: Safe E-Mail App For Kids [iPad]
My image UsenetStorm – is an easy to use site which allows you to connect to any Usenet group that you like. After creating a free account, you can submit your nbz via a URL or by uploading your own from your hard drive and then begin downloading discussions. Downloads up to 500MB are allowed under a free account at speeds of up to 500 kb/s. Read more: UsenetStorm: Access Usenet Freely Within Your Browser
My image Notion – For desktop interfaces, window management has always been a problem needing a solution. Linux have always been the most hackable and creative of all, and a new app called Notion is just one of the many implementations in the Linux ecosystem that tries to solve this problem. Read more: Notion: Tiling Window Manager For Linux

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